Jan Niehues, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Jan Niehues is a professor at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Previously, he conducted research at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany and at the LIMSI/CNRS in Orsay, France. In addition, he stayed at Carnegie Mellon University as a visiting researcher. In 2019, he started as an assistant professor at the Department for Knowledge Engineering (DKE) at Maastricht University. Since March 2022, he is leading the “AI for Language Technologies” group at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (https://ai4lt.anthropomatik.kit.edu) .
His research has covered different aspects of machine translation and spoken language translation as well as related research in natural language processing. In addition, he has played an active role in the organization of the International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), where he is currently one of the organizers.
Thank you for considering me for being a member of the ELRA Board. Language resources are essential to successful research and progress in the field of language technology. With current machine learning approaches to language processing, they became even more important. Furthermore, the increasing interest in more diverse languages also increases the need for language resources in more and more languages. Therefore, I think it is essential for the community to lower the barriers to share language resources between the different partners in the community. I hope to contribute to this as a member of the board.
Furthermore, the LREC conferences are a unique opportunity to share knowledge. LREC as many other conferences has shown the benefits as well as challenges of online and hybrid conferences. As a member, I will contribute to develop further possibilities of participation during these conferences. I hope that we can develop a format that enables a good conference experience for as many participants as possible while including research from many communities.
I would be very happy if I would be able to bring my past experience into the board.