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LR Agreement with Datatang

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Press Release - Immediate
Paris, France, October 27, 2022

ELRA and Datatang signed a Language Resources distribution agreement to release a total of 67 Speech Resources distributed by ELRA. With this agreement, ELRA is strengthening its position as the leading worldwide distribution centre and Datatang is getting more visibility on the European market.

Those resources were designed and collected to boost Speech Recognition in particular. They cover the following languages:

  • Cantonese,
  • Chinese Mandarin,
  • Various dialects from China: Changsha, Kunming, Shanghai, Sichuan, Wuhan,
  • Several variants of English (English from Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latin America, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, United Kingdom, USA),
  • French,
  • German,
  • Hindi,
  • Indonesian,
  • Italian,
  • Japanese,
  • Korean,
  • Malay,
  • Portuguese (Brazilian),
  • Russian,
  • Spanish (including non-hispanic Spanish),
  • Thai,
  • Uyghur,
  • Vietnamese.


The detailed list of all 67 Language Resources from Datatang can be found here .


About Datatang

Founded in 2011, Datatang (Stock code: 831428) is a global AI data asset and data solution provider. Datatang offers solutions for R&D needs with over 500 prepared AI datasets covering ASR, TTS, CV and NLP. Relying on own data resources, technical advantages and intensive data processing experiences, Datatang provides data services to 1,000+ companies and institutions worldwide.


To find out more about Datatang, please visit the website:


About ELRA

The European Language Resources Association (ELRA) is a non-profit-making organisation founded by the European Commission in 1995, with the mission of providing a clearing house for Language Resources and promoting Human Language Technologies. Language Resources covering various fields of HLT (including Multimodal, Speech, Written, Terminology) and a great number of languages are available from the ELRA catalogue. ELRA's strong involvement in the fields of Language Resources and Language Technologies is also emphasized at the LREC conference, organized every other year since 1998.

To find out more about ELRA, please visit the website:

For more information on the catalogue or if you would like to enquire about having your resources distributed by ELRA, please contact us.