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Purchase LRs from Language Resources Catalogue

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The tables below give you the meaning of the codes used in the LRs descriptions.

R For academic use (research)

If none of these abbreviations (R, C, RC, ER or EC) appears, there are no restrictions for the type of use.
RC For research use by a commercial organisation
C For commercial use
ER System or technology evaluation use by a research organisation
EC System or technology evaluation use by a commercial organisation

Discount for Non members are offered to members of organizations with which ELRA entered into special agreements (e.g. ELSNET).

*** At cost
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--- Price under discussion
WWW Please download this free resource from the Web (follow the links)
All prices are indicated in EURO.
Some prices, which were negotiated in local currency, may be re-adjusted wrt exchange rate.
* Shipment fee not included *

Note about Speech LRS: The last column of the table shows which of the resources have been validated by SPEX, ELRA's validation unit. The validation report can be accessed by clicking on "Y" or through the long description of the resource, where you can find a link to "Validation report" at the bottom of the page. A description file, called "database design", is also available.