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Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

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The LREC Conference has become a major event in the field of language engineering, and constitutes a milestone in the life of Human Language Technologies (HLT). It is organised by ELRA biennially with the support of institutions and organisations involved in HLT, and brings together a large number of people working and interested in HLT.


Next edition

LREC-COLING 2024 will be held in Turin (Italy) on May 20-25, 2024


Most recent editions

LREC 2022, the thirteenth edition of LREC was held in  Marseille (France) on June 20-25, 2022


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, LREC 2020, the twelfth edition of LREC has not been held in  Marseille (France) on May 11-16, 2020, as planned.


LREC 2018, the eleventh edition of LREC has taken place in  Miyazaki (Japan) on May 7-12, 2018 and attracted 1100+ participants.


LREC 2016, the tenth edition of LREC took place in  Portorož (Slovenia) from 23rd May to 28th May 2016 and attracted more than 1200 participants.


LREC 2014, the ninth edition of LREC took place in Reykjavik (Iceland) from 26th May to 31st May 2014 and attracted more than 1200 participants.


LREC 2012, the eighth edition of LREC took place in Istanbul (Turkey) from 21st May to 27th May 2012 and attracted more than 1200 participants.


LREC 2010, the seventh edition of LREC took place in Valletta (Malta) from 17th May to 23th May 2010 and attracted more than 1200 participants.


LREC 2008, the sixth edition of LREC took place in Marrakech (Morocco) from 26th May to June 1st 2008 and attracted more than 1100 participants.


LREC 2006, the fifth edition of LREC took place in Genoa (Italy) from 22th to 28th May 2006 and attracted more than 800 participants.

All other editions can be accessed from