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Prisme is a project funded by the French Ministry of Economics, Finance and Industry.

It aims at assisting the Small & Medium Enterprises to access the Internet, by providing them with a techno/business watch tool through a customised search engine. This tool will be created using the multilingual technologies developed in the framework of the European project EMIR, using the SPIRIT tool, by T.GID, and the watch technologies from DIST (CEA). It will also benefit from the large experience gained in the field of watch technology by the Sés@me company and the Observatoire de la Sous-traitance for SME.

The whole PRISME package will comprise the following elements :

  • The possibility to define profiles with user-specific search criteria,
  • an advanced search system including both a normal search engine and a meta search engine (for the "invisible Web"),
  • a filtering application.

From May 2000 to May 2002

Contact ELDA:  Khalid Choukri, ELDA managing director, [javascript protected email address]

Mahtab Nikkhou, project manager


  • Principal contractor : CEA/DIST (Direction de l’Information Scientifique et Technique).
  • Sub-Contractors : ELDA, Observatoire de la sous-traitance.
  • Partners : Université Paris X, Sés@me, T-GID.