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PASSAGE’s main objective is the large scale production of syntactic annotations to move forward (Produire des annotations syntaxiques à grande échelle). It builds up on the results of the EASy French parsing evaluation campaign funded by the French Technolangue program, which has demonstrated that:

  • French parsing systems are now available, ranging from shallow to deep parsers,
  • Running an evaluation campaign from end to end using a common syntactic formalism with a very positive impact for the field is now possible.


The PASSAGE project aims at building semi-automatically a French Treebank of large size (more than 100 million words) by combining the output of several parsers. The combination of parsers is then manually corrected to build the reference Treebank for French.

2nd Evaluation Campaign: August 31 to October 15, 2009.


Contact: Khalid Choukri [javascript protected email address]

Olivier Hamon, Project Manager