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ELRA Newsletters from 1996

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  • Vol.17 N°1 to 4, January-December 2014, LREC 2014 Special Issue


    • Secretary General & President letter
    • - Introduction by Nicoletta Calzolari, Conference Chair and ELRA President
    • - Opening Ceremony Speeches: Irina Bokova, UNESCO, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, Former President of Iceland and UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Khalid Choukri, ELRA Secretary General and ELDA Managing Director, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee, LREC 15th Anniversary Celebration, Joseph Mariani, ELRA Honorary President
    • - Antonio Zampolli Prize Award Ceremony: Nicoletta Calzolari, ELRA President & Khalic Choukri
    • - Oral & Poster Sessions Summaries: Iryna Gurevych, Amália Mendes, Volker Steinbiss, Mikel L. Forcada
    • - Miscellaneous Information
    • - New Resources
    • Please note that this issue is only available as a softcopy version. No hardcopy will be produced.

  • Vol.16 N°1 to 4, January-December 2012, LREC 2012 Special Issue


    • Secretary General & President letter
    • Introduction by Nicoletta Calzolari, Conference Chair
    • Opening Ceremony Speeches: Stelios Piperidis, ELRA President, Khalid Choukri, ELRA Secretary General and ELDA Managing Director, Mehmet Özkan, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
    • Antonio Zampolli Prize Award Ceremony: Stelios Piperidis, ELRA President
    • Oral Session Summaries: Sophie Rosset, Karen Fort, Yoshihiko Hayashi, Satoshi Sato
    • Poster Session Summaries: Günter Neumann, Carlo Strapparava, Paolo Rosso
    • Miscellaneous Information
    • New Resources
    • Please note that this issue is only available as a softcopy version. No hardcopy will be produced.

  • Vol.15 N°1&2, January-June 2010, LREC 2010 Special Issue


    • Secretary General & President letter
    • Introduction by Nicoletta Calzolari, Conference Chair
    • Opening Ceremony Speeches: Stelios Piperidis, ELRA President, Khalid Choukri, ELRA Secretary General and ELDA Managing Director, Mike Rosner, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
    • Antonio Zampolli Prize Award Ceremony: Stelios Piperidis, ELRA President
    • Oral Session Summaries: Sophie Rosset, Eleni Efthimiou, Thierry Declerck, Carmen Garcia-Mateo, Laurence Devillers, Jean-Claude Martin, Martine Adda-Decker
    • Poster Session Summaries: Olivier Ferret, Olivier Galibert
    • Workshop Summaries: Valérie Mapelli, Björn Schuller and Laurence Devillers, Khalid Choukri and Bente Maegaard
    • Conference Survey Report
    • New Resources*
    • * Please note that the S0308 description contains an error in the hardcopy issue of the Vol. 15 N°1&2. For the correct information, please refer to the ELRA Catalogue.

  • Vol.14 N°1 to 4, January-December 2009


    • Secretary General & President letter
    • Evaluation of Technology
    • Information Retrieval
    • Speech Recognition
    • Machine Translation
    • Speech Synthesis
    • Speech-to-Speech Translation
    • Parsing
    • Multimodal Technologies
    • Evaluation Services at ELRA/ELDA
    • Evaluation Packages available at ELRA/ELDA

  • Vol.13 N°1&2, January-June 2008, LREC 2008 Special Issue


    • CEO & President letter
    • Opening Ceremony Speeches: Nicoletta Calzolari, Conference Chair; Bente Maegaard, ELRA President; Khalid Choukri, ELRA CEO; Taieb Debbagh, Secretary General of Trade, Industry and New Technologies; Jochen Richter, Deputy Head of Cabinet with Leonard Orban, Commissioner for Multilingualism, European Commission; Abdelhak Mouradi, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
    • Antonio Zampolli Prize Award Ceremony: Bente Maegaard
    • Oral Sessions Summaries: LRs: Infrastructure, Projects, Centers, Chiu-yu Tseng; Corpus Lexicon and Evaluation, Nuria Bel; Multimodal Annotation Tool, Jean-Claude Martin; Biomedical Resources, Su Jian; Machine Translation and Multilinguality, Gregor Thurmair; Evaluation, Robert Frederking; Machine Translation, Dan Tufis; Multimodal Session, Kristiina Jokinen; TV and Video Processing, Michael Kipp.
    • Poster Sessions Summaries: Syntactically Annotated Resources and Related Tools, Tomaz Erjavec; Term Identification/Extraction and Terminological Databases, Maria Gavrilidou; Evaluation, Maghi King; Evaluation: Resources, Tools, Systems, Methodologies, Diana Santos; Morphology, Syntax and Tools, Patrick Paroubek; Tools and data for Speech Systems Developments, Ryszard Gubrynowicz; Speech Corpus in Various Languages, Briony Williams; Semantics, Semantic Resources and Semantic Annotation, Costanza Navaretta; Temporal Annotation, Dan Cristea; Multilinguality and Machine Translation, Elliott Macklovitch; Sentiment and Opinion Analysis, Diana Inkpen.
    • LREC 2008 Conference Report: Speech given by LREC Programme Committee
    • New Resources

  • Vol.13 N°3&4, July-December 2008


    • Secretary General & President letter
    • New Resources

  • Vol.12 N°3&4, July-December 2007


    • CEO & President letter
    • Introduction
    • The UK: An Overview of the Current Work in HLT
    • TwNC: A Multifaceted Dutch News Corpus
    • ELRA’s Activities in HLT Evaluation
    • New Resources

  • Vol.12 N°1&2, January-June 2007


    • CEO & President letter
    • Introduction
    • LRs Services
    • LRs Identification & the Universal Catalogue
    • LRs Distribution: Licensing & Pricing Policy
    • The ELRA Catalogue of Language Resources
    • Validation Services
    • Production of LRs
    • Information Dissemination
    • Language Resources and Evaluation Journal
    • Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
    • a Portal for Human Language Technology Evaluation
    • New Resources

  • Vol.11 N°4, October-December 2006


    • CEO & President letter
    • EAFT 10th anniversary, Achievements and objectives: Annelise Grinsted
    • Introducing the Union Latine: Daniel Prado
    • ECESS, a HLT Network on Speech Synthesis: Harald Höge, Zdravko Kacic, Imre Kiss
    • Forty Years: Machine Translation Evaluation Today and Yesterday: Margaret King
    • New Resources

  • Vol.11 N°2&3, April-September 2006, LREC 2006 Special Issue


    • CEO & President letter
    • Opening Ceremony speeches: Nicoletta Calzolari, Conference Chair; Bente Maegaard, ELRA President; Khalid Choukri, ELRA CEO.
    • Antonio Zampolli Prize Award Ceremony, by Bente Maegaard
    • Sessions’ summaries: Semantics & Infrastuctural Issues, by Dan Tufis; Multilingual Corpora, by Steven Krauwer; Question-Answering, by Bernardo Magnini; Tools & Evaluation, by Mary P. Harper; Lexicon & Pronunciation, by Ute Ziegenhain; Morphology & Tagging, by Kiril Simov; Anaphora & Coreference, by Véronique Moriceau; Corpora & LR Infrastructures, by Sonja Bosch; Corpora: Creation, Annotation, by Costanza Navaretta; Web Services & Digital Archives & Libraries, by Zygmunt Vetulani; Translation, by Nelleke Oostdijk.
    • Panels’ and Workshops’ reviews: Workshop on "SALTMIL SIG: Speech and Language Technology for Minority Languages, by Briony Williams; Workshop on "Crossing Media for Improved Information Access", by Stelios Piperidis; Panel on "Resources for the Processing and Affect in Interaction", by Nick Campbell.
    • LREC 2006 reports: on Papers on Evaluation for Spoken and Multimodal Communication, by Jospeh Mariani; on Spoken LRs and Multimodality, by Daniel Tapias and Khalid Choukri; on Written Language Resources, by Jan Odijk; on Semantic-Related Papers, by Aldo Gangemi.
    • New Resources

  • Vol.11 N°1, January-March 2006


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Announcing the AMI Meeting Corpus, Jean Carletta
    • CHIL - Computers in the Human Interaction Loop Electronic Butlers simplify your daily life, Margit Rödder
    • New resources

  • Vol.10 N°2, April-June 2005


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • TC-STAR project: Technology and Corpora for Speech to Speech Tranlsation, Gianni Lazzari
    • The DIINAR1 - Arabic Lexical Resource, an outline of contents and methodology, Joseph Dichy, Mohamed Hassoun
    • New Resources
    • ELRA Membership Fidelity Program
    • HLT Evaluation Workshop
    • LREC 2006

  • Vol.10 N°1, January-March 2005


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Methods and developments in the creation of a computerised Amazigh script, Ali Rachidi, Driss Mammass
    • GlobalPhone: A Multilingual Text and Speech Databases, Tanja Schultz
    • New Resources

  • Vol.10 N°3&4, July-December 2005


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • MT Summit X and New Development of MT, Jun-ichi Tsujii
    • What is Statistical about Statistical Machine Translation, Rafael E. Banchs
    • Speech in Machine Translation and Computer-Assisted Translation, Francisco Casacuberta, Enrique Vidal
    • a Portal for Human Language Technology Evaluation
    • HLT Evaluation Workshop in Malta, Victoria Arranz
    • New Resources

  • Vol.9 N°1, January-March 2004


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Arabtalk, an Implementation for Arabic Text to Speech System (Yasser Hifny, Shady Qurany, Salah Hamid, Mohsen Rashwan, Muhammad Atiyya, Ahmid Ragheb, Galaal Khallaaf)
    • Semantic Interoperability and Language Resources (Christian Galinski)
    • New resources

  • Vol.9 N°2&3, April-June 2004, LREC 2004 Special Issue


    • CEO & President letter
    • Opening Ceremony speeches: Nicoletta Calzolari, Conference Chair; Joseph Mariani, ELRA President; Khalid Choukri, ELRA CEO.
    • Antonio Zampolli Prize Award Ceremony, by Joseph Mariani
    • Sessions’ summaries: Corpus Annotation and Evaluation, by Nelleke Oostdijk; Annotation of Multimodal Corpora, by Wolfgang Minker; Corpus and Lexicon Tools, by Truus Kruyt; Morphosyntactic Corpora and Tools, by Zygmunt Vetulani; Question-Answering, by Carol Peters; Evaluation of Speech Annotation and Systems, by Jean-Claude Martin; Evaluation of Language Technologies, Andrei Popescu-Belis; Machine Translation, by Anna Sagvall-Hein; Computational Lexicons, by Farah Benamara.
    • Workshops’ reviews: Workshop on "Multimodal Corpora", by Jean-Claude Martin; Workshop on "Compiling and Processing Spoken Language Corpora", by Nelleke Oostdijk; Workshop on "LRs Integration and Development in eLearning and in Teaching Computational Lingistics", by Cristina Vertan; Workshop on "XML-based Richly Annotated Corpora", by Ulrich Heid; Workshop on "Representation and Processing of Sign Languages", by Oliver Streiter.
    • LREC 2004 reports: on Spoken LRs and Multimodality, by Daniel Tapias; on Evaluation for Spoken and Written Language, by Joseph Mariani; on Written and Terminological LRs, by Jan Odijk.
    • New Resources

  • Vol.9 N°4, October-December 2004


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Speech technology in Welsh and Irish: the WISPR project: Briony Williams, Dlyth Prys, Dewi Jones
    • BIOMET: a Multimodal Person Authentication Database Including Face, Voice, Fingerprint, And and Signature Modalities: GET (Groupe des Ecoles de Télécommunications)
    • The SCALLA working conference "Crossing the Digital Divide": Pat Hal
    • New Resources

  • Vol.8 N°1, January-March 2003


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • A survey of indian OCR Systems (B.B. Chaudhuri)
    • Machine Translation in India: A brief Survey (Durgesh Rao)
    • First Report on SCALLA (Pat Hall)
    • NEMLAR, Reaching out to the Mediterranean Countries (NEMLAR Consortium)
    • LangTech 2003 - News
    • New Resources

  • Vol.8 N°2, April-June 2003


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Computational Linguistics for the Languages of South Asia (Pat Hall)
    • Review of CL2003, the International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (Bayan Abu Shawar)
    • ANITA, AUdio-eNhancement In Telecom Applications (J.P Cante, M. Glesser, L. Lelièvre and A. Zeini)
    • Towards an Extended LAnguage Resources Kit (EBLARK): summary of ELDA’s report within the ENABLER thematic network (Valérie Mapelli and Khalid Choukri)
    • SEPLN 2003
    • LREC 2004
    • New Resources

  • Vol.8 N°3&4, Automn-Winter 2003, In Memory of Antonio Zampolli Special Issue


    • Introduction by Khalid Choukri
    • A few Words in Memory of Antonio Zampolli from Khalid Choukri, Joseph Mariani and Nicoletta Calzolari
    • Past & On-going Trends in Computational Linguistics - A View from the Institute for Computational Linguistics in Pisa, Italy (Antonio Zampolli)
    • A few Words in Memory of Antonio Zampolli from Nancy Ide, Martin Kay, and Bernard Quemada
    • Antonio Zampolli Prize

  • Vol.7 N°2, April-June 2002


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • New ELRA Board Members – Profiles
    • LREC 2002 Opening Ceremony Speeches (Angel Martin Municio, Antonio Zampolli, Jospeh Mariani, Harald Höge, Khalid Choukri)
    • LREC 2002 Keynote Speeches (Mark Maybury, Keyshore Papinieni)
    • LREC 2002 Session Summaries (Justus Roux, Rainer Siemund, Gregory Grefenstette, Anna Braasch, Bolette Pederseb, Kiril Simov, Dan Tufis)
    • LREC 2002 Closing Sessions Speeches (Bente Maegaard, Nicoletta Calzolari, Daniel Tapias, Joseph Mariani, Khalid Choukri)
    • New Resources

  • Vol.7 N°3, July-September 2002


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • LREC 2002, a few Pictures
    • LangTech 2002, Overview
    • Natural Language, Language Resources, Semantic Web (Christian Galinski)
    • SENSEVAL: the Evaluation of Word Sense Disambiguation (Philip Edmonds)
    • Creation of a new Electronic Corpus: the Hermes Journal on Humanities (Richard Walter)
    • Eurospeech 2003 Special Events
    • Open Positions at ELDA
    • SCALLA
    • New Resources

  • Vol.7 N°4, October-December 2002


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Obituary: Don Angel Martin Municio (Daniel Tapias, Khalid Choukri)
    • The Origin of Science and Scientific Language (Angel Martin Municio)
    • Natural Language Processing – A further Ontology (Laurie de Temmerman, Jean-Paul Taravella)
    • A Synergetic Software – LexSyn (Sandra Berrebi)
    • New Resources
    • Book Announcement
    • LangTech 2003

  • Vol.7 N°1, January-March 2002


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Arabic for Absolute Beginner (Anne de Roeck)
    • ELRA’s Al-Hayat Dataset: Text Resources in Arabic Language Engineering (Anne de Roeck)
    • Alignment of a French-Arabic Corpus and Extraction of a Bilingual Lexicon (Mathieu Guidère)
    • The Maltilex project (Mike Rosner)
    • IHM Group (Rabat, Maroc): Overview of the Research Activities (Abdelhak Mouradi)
    • CLEF 2002 Call for Participation
    • LREC 2002 News
    • New resources

  • Vol.6 N°2, April-June 2001


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Call for Contributions: Multimodal and Natural interactivity corpora and coding schemes (Jean-Claude Martin)
    • Preparation of a Japanese prosodic database (Shigeyoshi Kitazawa)
    • The European Terminology Information Server (ETIS) (Suzanne Lervard)
    • New resources

  • Vol.6 N°3, July-September 2001


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Making use of translated texts to identify translations (Antonio Ribeiro)
    • An expert bird’s-eye view on evaluation in speech and language engineering (Patrick Paroubek)
    • Report: workshop on evaluation for language and dialog systems at EACL’01 (Patrick Paroubek)
    • Report: Translingual Information Detection Extraction Summarisation programme (TIDES) (Joseph Mariani)
    • LREC 2002
    • Pre-summit of the EAFT
    • New resources

  • Vol.6 N°4, October-December 2001


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Strengthening the Dutch Human Language Technology Infrastructure (Catia Cucchiarini, Walter Daelemans, Helmer Strik)
    • Resources for the Medical Domain: Terminologies, Lexicons and Corpora (Pierre Zweigenbaum)
    • New resources
    • Application Form

  • Vol.6 N°1, January-March 2001


    • Letter from the President and the CEO ELRA Annual Report 2000 eContent programme
    • Job openings at the European Commission
    • Multilingual resources at XRCE (Jean-Pierre Chanod)
    • Lexical resources for spoken and written French at IRIT (Guy Pérennou et Martine de Calmès)
    • Report on the Workshop on Annotation architecture and software tools for multimedia language resources and large corpora. Pre-Conference workshop to LREC2000, Athens, 29 May 2000 (P. Wittenburg, H. Brugman and D. Broeder)
    • New resources

  • Vol.5 N°1, January-March 2000


    • Vol.5 Nº1, January-March 2000
    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA Annual Report 1999, Khalid Choukri
    • The GEMA Project Gate for an Enhanced Multilingual resource Access
    • EC Call for Evaluators and Reviewers
    • LREC 2000 News
    • Applied Speech Processing Technologies – Our Journey, Siegfried Kunzmann
    • EuroWordNet: a Multilingual Database with Wordnets in 8 Languages, Piek Vossen
    • Example-Based Machine Translation at Carnegie Mellon University, Ralf Brown
    • New Resources

  • Vol.5 N°2, April-June 2000


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • BABELWEB, a Eurescom project on guidelines for multilingual web sites, Dr Els den Os
    • The Spoken Dutch Corpus Project, Nelleke Oostdijk
    • Language Resources and Evaluation – LREC 2000 Preliminary Programme
    • New Resources

  • Vol.5 N°3, July-September 2000, LREC 2000 Special Issue


    • Letter from the President and CEO
    • LREC Closing Session Summaries
    • LREC Panels Summaries
    • LREC Technical Sessions Summaries
    • LREC Workshops Summaries
    • LREC Opening Session Speeches
    • New resources
    • Founding of the Global WordNet Association

  • Vol.5 N°4, October-December 2000


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • MT Summit VIII
    • EuroSpeech Special Event: Noise Robust Recognition
    • The Art of Validation, (Henk van den Heuvel)
    • The EuTrans Speech-to-Speech Translation, (Enrique Vidal) MESIA : A Prototype of a Document Retrieval System that incorporates Linguistic Resources, (Paloma Martínez and Ana García-Serrano)
    • Report on the Workshop on Terminology Resources and Computation. Pre-conference Workshop to LREC2000, Athens, 29 may 2000, (Key-Sun Choi and Christian Galinski)
    • New resources

  • Vol.4 N°1, January-March 1999


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELDA Profile: Jeff Allen, ELDA Technical Director
    • Evaluation of Distributed Speech Recognition – The AURORA project
    • Conference on co-operation in the field of terminology in Europe, 17, 18 and 19 May 1999
    • Contrastive Technology Evaluation in NLP, an asset for Science and Industry, Patrick Paroubek, LIMSI-CNRS
    • ARCADE project: Evaluation of multilingual parallel text systems, Jean Véronis, Université de Provence
    • ELRA 1999 Call for proposals – ELRA Commissioning Production of Language Resources
    • Finnish national HLT-programme efforts, Manne Miettinen, CSC Building a “Tri-Text”: Steps in the Conversion of a Hard Copy
    • Document to an On-line Resource, Lisa Decrozant, University of Maryland and Clare R. Voss, Army Research Laboratory
    • New Resources

  • Vol.4 N°2, April-June 1999


    • Letter from the President and the CEO Page 2
    • Does Size Matter? Language Technology and the Smaller Language, Nicholas Ostler
    • Results of ELRA 1999 Call for Proposals – ELRA Commissioning Production of Language Resources
    • Translation Memory as a linguistic resource in the Localisation Industry – A snapshot of the present and glance into the future, Sharon O’Brien
    • Machine Translation Certification, Eduard Hovy
    • New Resources

  • Vol.4 N°3, July-September 1999


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Transrouter – a decision support tool for translation managers, Reinhard Schäler, LRC, Limerick University
    • Machine Translation Summit VII, Hitoshi Isahara, Communications Research Laboratory, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications
    • Orthographic Conversion and Lexical Standardization for Vernacular Languages, Marilyn Mason, Mason Integrated Technologies
    • The Evaluation Paradigm as a Resource Producer, Patrick Paroubek, LIMSI-CNRS
    • Report on ELDA’s survey of Language Resource User Needs, Jeffrey Allen, ELRA/ELDA
    • New Resources

  • Vol.4 N°4, October-December 1999


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Speech Technology – gaining ground, Jeremy Peckham, Strategis Consulting
    • Beyong “fuzzy matching” – The Déjà Vu approach to reusing Languages Resources, Xavier Garcia, Ampersand Traduccio Automatica
    • LREC-2000: call for papers, ELRA’s 2nd international Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
    • Translation Memories as True Databases – Present and Future, Daniel Brockmann, TRADOS GmbH
    • Special Service Medal, Joseph Mariani receives a special award from ESCA
    • New Resources

  • Vol.3 N°1, February 1998


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • Latest News on the LREC, 28-30 May 1998 in Granada, Spain
    • Practical Automatic Dictation Systems, Melvyn J. Hunt
    • EuroWordNet: Building a Multilingual Database with Wordnets for European Languages, Piek Vossen
    • Multilingual Natural Language Processing at XRCE, Frédérique Segond, Gregory Grefenstette and Annie Zaenen
    • The APOLLO Project – Achievements and Conclusions, Guy Deville and Pierre Mousel
    • French Government Launches “Information Society” Action Programme
    • NODALIDA `98, Report from Bente Maegaard
    • Q&A – ELRA members
    • 5th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP ’98
    • New resources
    • ELRA in the News

  • Vol.3 N°2, May 1998


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA Board profile: Helmi Sonneveld
    • Final Report on ELRA Marketing Studies 1997 – short extract, Malin Nilsson
    • ELSNET and ELRA: A common past and a common future, Steven Krauwer
    • On Russian Resources for Language Engineering, Vera Semenova
    • First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation
    • Preliminary Programme at a glance
    • AECMA Simplified English and Controlled Language Checkers, Richard H. Wojcik
    • Evaluation: A Perspective on Automatic Abstracting Research, Frances C. Johnson
    • MultiMeteo: multilingual production of weather forecasts, José Coch
    • New resources

  • Vol.3 N°3, August 1998


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • LREC Closing Session Summaries
    • LREC Panels Summaries
    • LREC Technical Sessions Summaries
    • Post-LREC Workshop Summary
    • ’’Declaration of Granada’’: 10 Articles
    • LREC Opening Session Speeches
    • New Resources

  • Vol.3 N°4, November 1998


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA Annual Report 1998, Khalid Choukri
    • Evaluation methodologies, Bente Maegaard
    • POP-EYE and OLIVE – Human Language as the Medium for Cross-lingual Multimedia Information Retrieval, Klaus Netter
    • LinguaNet? We Need it Now: Delivering Multilingual Messaging and Language Resources to the Police, Inge Gorm-Hansen, Edward Johnson, Henrik Selsøe-Sørensen
    • Minority Language Engineering, Paul Baker, Tony McEnery, Mark Sebba, Lou Burnard
    • New resources

  • Vol.2 N°1, March 1997


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA Board profiles: Lou Boves, Christian Galinski
    • Large Vocabulary Speech Recognition, Steve Young
    • Development and Assessment of Large-vocabulary Speech Recognition Systems and the Relevance of High-quality Databases, Herman J.M. Steeneken
    • Telephone Enquiries Using Speech Recognition, Marc Blasband
    • The EAGLES Spoken Language Working Group and the Handbook of Standards and Resources for Spoken Language Systems, Dafydd Gibbon
    • SpeechDat: European Speech Databases for Creation of Voice-driven Teleservices, Herbert S. Tropf
    • Speaker and language Characterisation, Jean-François Bonastre
    • Speech Dialogue and Corpora, Paul Heisterkamp
    • The European Speech Communication Association, ESCA, Louis C.W. Pols .Further Reading
    • LISA Advertisement, ELRA Sales & Marketing Manager vacancy
    • New Resources

  • Vol.2 N°2, June 1997


    • Letter from the President and the CEO ; ELRA profile, Malin Nilsson
    • EURAMIS: The European Advanced Multilingual Information System, Achim Blatt and Paulo Martins
    • Speech Research Activities and Corpora in the Netherlands, Louis Boves
    • The DISC project, Niels Ole Bernsen and Laila Dybkjaer
    • Termcat, the Catalan Terminology Centre
    • Evaluation word sense disambiguation programs, Adam Kilgariff
    • The ELRA Marketing Survey
    • New resources ; LISA advertisement

  • Vol.2 N°3, October 1997


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation – Second call, Granada, Spain, 28-30 May 1998
    • ELRA Distribution activities as of 30/09/97
    • Defining a methodology for designing evaluations: Standards and Sharing, Maghi King
    • SALT Workshop on Evaluation in Speech and Language Technology, Robert Gaizauskas
    • ELRA Validation report
    • The Babel project – Speech databases from Central & Eastern Europe, Peter Roach
    • ELRA Market Segmentation Survey – update
    • Announcements
    • New resources
    • Membership application, ELRA 1997 Members’ Special Offer

  • Vol.2 N°4, December 1997


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA Board Profiles
    • ELRA Annual General Meeting, La Villette, Paris, 28 November 1997
    • Lexicon Validation, Nancy Underwood
    • Techniques for Evaluation of Language Corpora: A Report from the Front, Lou Burnard and Tony McEnery
    • Probabilistic analysis of pronunciation with MAUS, Florian Schiel
    • Integrating Arabic into a Western MT System, Catherine Pease
    • LISA Workgroup on Tools Benchmarking, Leon Rubinstein
    • “ELSNET in Wonderland”
    • New resources

  • Vol.1 N°2, July 1996


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA profiles: Norbert Kalfon, Angel Martin-Municio, Joseph-Jean Mariani Vice-Presidents
    • Eagles goes public, Joint ELRA/Infoterm/Termnet: Guide to terminology Agreements published, Written Resources Validation Meeting
    • ELRA Board attends launch of Vocabulario Cientifico y Técnico
    • Global terminology co-operation – the ” Vienna Group “, Christian Galinski
    • Spoken Dialogue Corpora, Norman M. Fraser
    • New Resources
    • ELRA Catalogue, July 1996, Release 1.01.

  • Vol.1 N°3, October 1996


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA Profiles: Thomas Schneider, Treasurer; Robin Bonthrone, Secretary; Bente Maegaard
    • Terminology Standardisation, Elisabeth Blanchon
    • The Business of Terminology – a European Perspective, Robin Bonthrone
    • The User Perspective – Terminology and Naval Export Contracts, Dominique Clarenc
    • Progress in Terminological Databases, Teresa Cabré Castellví
    • Tools for Managing Terminology, Klaus-Dirk Schmitz
    • Europe and the Fragmented Terminology Arena, Annelise Grinsted
    • The Interval Project: Progress and Initial Results, Alexis Crespel, Infoterm refounded, Christian Galinski
    • Further Reading
    • Membership Application form.

  • Vol.1 N°4, December 1996


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA Board Profiles: George Carayannis, Giuseppe Castagneri, Harald Höege
    • Habeas corpus, Ole Norling-Christensen
    • LE-PAROLE: Its history and scope, Antonio Zampolli and Nicoletta Calzolari
    • Computer-based translation systems and tools, John Hutchins
    • AVENTINUS: A multilingual information system for drug enforcement, Thomas Schneider
    • The Amaryllis Project – Access in French to textual information, Annie Coret
    • 1996 ELRA General Assembly
    • EAGLES: A brief progress report, John McNaught
    • LE sector events
    • Computer software for automatic knowledge base expansion, Kenji Sugiyama
    • New Resources
    • ELRA Members

  • Vol.1 N°1, March 1996


    • Letter from the President and the CEO
    • ELRA profiles: Antonio Zampolli, President – Khalid Choukri, CEO
    • ELDA: the story so far
    • Association news
    • Language resources licensing – basic principles
    • Survey of Spanish resources, Joaquim Llisterri
    • LE Sector events and news
    • EAGLES Spoken Language Working Group: Overview and results, Richard Winski, Roger Moore, Dafydd Gibbon and Nicoletta Calzolari
    • Introduction to ELRA catalogue
    • ELRA members.